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What is MUN?

Model United Nations, abbreviated as MUN, are student conferences of United Nations bodies, or other international organizations. Conferences of this type occur in several localities, with an estimated 400+ MUNs annually around the world, which are an alternative to traditional learning, conecting the practice with the theories of international relations. Participants are required to deal with conflict resolution and negotiation, exercising oratory and conducting group dynamics. Academically rigorous, MUNs are considered as a social science laboratory, especially relating to diplomacy, political science, economics, international politics and law, as well as being an opportunity to establish a networks of contacts with participants from different locations, realities, cultures and/or countries of the most varied of academic backgrounds.

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IBMR Model United Nations, or IBMR MUN, is an annual conference held by IBMR/Laureate students since 2015, supported by the academic coordination of the International Relations course and the Dean's Office of the high education institution, aiming at the promotion, integration and development of individuals in environments. Being the only MUN that is held with integrated committees, in each edition, IBMR MUN has a guidance, which the committees will have in common.


Through its pillars, IBMR MUN always brings English-language committees to provide the internationalization of the event and provide participants with the possibility of immersion in a second language.

Mission and Values

"Foster youth leadership and guide their creativity and willingness to solve national and international problems through friendship, unity and cooperation"

Since 2016, IBMR MUN has sought to foster leadership among young people so they can apply their ideas together to combat social problems and seek tangible solutions to contemporary challenges. At each edition, the IBMR MUN adopts a slogan that reflects its purpose for that edition, always seeking to carry out a social and/or humanitarian action.

IBMR MUN values are:

Equality - Solidarity - Fraternity - Cooperation - Sustainability - Internationality - Respect - Proactivity

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